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The Theatre Consortium of Silver Spring, in management of the Silver Spring Black Box Theatre on behalf of Montgomery County, MD, takes the COVID-19 pandemic extremely seriously. To this end, the Silver Spring Black Box strictly adheres to, at minimum, the guidelines set for by Montgomery County’s government, and specifically its County Executive and County Council, in addition to any guidelines set forth by the state of Maryland and its elected officials. Please note that these policies are subject to change at any time and the Theatre Consortium will reevaluate and endeavor to update this page as policies are updated, and that the policies listed below are a minimum requirement for facility use. Individual companies may require stricter policies than are listed here.

To this end, the Theatre Consortium of Silver Spring and Silver Spring Black Box is currently requiring the following:

Audience Members and Staff, Artists, and Volunteers of both Consortium Members and Outside Renters

It is strongly recommended and encouraged for persons attending or working on performances at the Silver Spring Black Box to properly wear a mask at all times (which means a full seal over both nose and mouth) when inside the building (this includes lobby, restrooms, concessions area, and theatre) except when actively eating or drinking, and individuals are also strongly encouraged to be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19.
If you do not arrive with a mask and would like one, one will be provided to you upon request, subject to availability.

TCSS Staff Members

Persons employed or contracted by the Theatre Consortium of Silver Spring are required to:
*Show proof of vaccination.
*Show proof of at least one booster (if medically eligible).
And are strongly encouraged to:
*Properly wear masks at all times when inside the building unless actively eating or drinking.

If you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, or are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or the flu, we ask that you please stay home for the safety of those around you until you are out of your CDC-recommended quarantine period. TCSS Staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 must properly wear a mask over their nose and mouth for any shifts they work after a positive test, within the 5 days following their quarantine period (days 6-10, with day 0 being the day of first positive test or onset of symptoms, and a quarantine period lasting at least 5 days), provided it is at least 24 hours after their fever resolves without medication and other symptoms are improving.

For clarification around the CDC guidelines regarding isolation and ending your quarantine, please visit:

In addition, the Montgomery County facilities management has upgraded the filters in the HVAC system and increased the outside airflow through said system and increased the cleaning protocols for high-touch surfaces with the contracted cleaning crew, while the Theatre Consortium of Silver Spring has placed air purifiers throughout the building including in the theatre, placed hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the building, and also has cleaning supplies for high touch surfaces.

If you have any questions, please direct those to the Managing Director, Jonathan Rubin, at or the Theatre Manager, Caitlyn Fitzgerald, and we will endeavor to answer them as expediently as possible.

Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County Logo
Gold Seal of Approval from Candid's Guidestar for 2024
Maryland State Arts Council Logo

The Theatre Consortium of Silver Spring and the Silver Spring Black Box Theatre are supported in part by funding from the Montgomery County Government, the Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County, and the Maryland State Arts Council. The Theatre Consortium of Silver Spring and the Silver Spring Black Box Theatre received a Gold Seal of Approval from Candid - Guidestar for 2024.

The Theatre Consortium of Silver Spring and the Silver Spring Black Box Theatre are committed to fostering and promoting accessibility in all that we do. For more information, view our Accessibility Statement.

©2024 by The Silver Spring Black Box Theatre

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